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Behaviour Guidelines & Discipline

Bullying Policy

Bullying is inexcusable.  We have a firm policy against all types of bullying. Each camper is expected to treat all other campers with respect, and to help each other achieve the best possible experience.  If a camper has difficulty meeting this expectation, parents may be called upon to assist.  We take bullying incidents seriously and our leadership team promotes a culture of communication and accountability. We work together as a team to ensure that campers grow self-confidence, make new friends, and enjoy a safe, educational and fun camp experience.



Behaviour Guidelines

We expect campers to act respectfully at all times when they are on our property or participating in our programs. Campers are to behave in a mature, responsible manner and respect the rights and dignity of others. Campers should talk to a counsellor or any camp staff member if they are uncomfortable with any experiences or need assistance while at camp.


The core values of Active Scholars include Diversity & Inclusion, Integrity & Honesty and Gender Equity.  These values were established to create a foundation for Active Scholars board members, staff, contractors and volunteers to work and operate on.  Active Scholars strives to create an environment in which all people are accepted and honoured, thus, our values are critical to the success of the organization.

Discipline Procedures

If a camper does not follow the behaviour guidelines, we will take the following action steps as behaviour problems progress:


  1. Staff will redirect the camper to more appropriate behaviour;

  2. If inappropriate behaviour continues, the camper will be reminded of behaviour guidelines and camp rules, and the camper will be asked to decide on action steps to correct his/her behaviour;

  3. If a child’s behaviour still does not meet expectations and is affecting the experience of other campers, he/she will be referred to the site manager;

  4. If inappropriate behaviour continues, a phone call home will be made; and

  5. As a final action step, the camper may be dismissed from camp.


Examples of unacceptable behaviour include:

  • Refusing to follow behaviour guidelines or camp rules;

  • Using profanity, vulgarity or obscenity;

  • Stealing or damaging property (personal or camp property);

  • Refusal to participate in activities or to cooperate with staff;

  • Disrupting a program;

  • Leaving a location without permission;

  • Endangering the health and safety of campers and/or staff;

  • Use of illicit drugs, alcohol or tobacco or sexual conduct of any kind;

  • Teasing, making fun or bullying of other campers or staff;

  • Fighting of any kind.


Camper fees are non-refundable if a camper is sent home for disciplinary reasons. 

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